Wednesday, December 26, 2007
December Twenty Fifth
It was wonderful to watch my baby open his gifts - his innocent joy as he played with his new toys. The other part of it - the silent struggles in my heart and mind - well, they deserve something, a post maybe, but I am tired. It is time for me to rest.
Tomorrow we will travel to visit relatives and friends. And maybe spend money on electronics. Until the alarm rings - I will rest.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
The Season
I guess it is an emotional time of year. And it is seasonally imprinted on me. The last 4 years have been so emotional at Christmas. In 2004, it was complete and utter excitement. My husband talking to my belly, trying to convince C. to come early and be the New Year's baby . 2005 was agony. There were small, gentle moments of healing, but not many. Certain family members ignored our pain. We weren't pregnant. Our baby was dead. A horrible, horrible year. 2006 brought the hope of BB's arrival, but continued BH contractions, that terrifying (transient, turns out) arrythmia, and the polyhydramnios had us hardly daring to breathe.
This brings us to 2007. We have our boy. His brother isn't here. It is sometimes so complicated to live in my heart and soul, trying to reconcile those two sets of emotion. Joy, cuddles, and giggles. Silence, pain, longing, memory. I am so often amazed that I can and do continue on despite the torrent of conflict that I am bombarded with on such a regular basis.
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Today I came to a realization. I can't go backwards. I can't read the posts of these new mommies who only just had their hearts broken. I can't offer support. I can't leave any wise words of experience with them. I just can't.
I feel like I should. But I don't have it in me. I have worked too hard to get where I am. Something about dredging up all of those old emotions is too difficult and too painful. Because they are all still there, waiting for me, behind this precarious dam that that time and effort has built. And it would be all to easy for the dam to burst and the happiness I have struggled for would be swept away in the rush. I am not willing to let that happen.
So know that I wish I could be that person who offers the right words at the right time. But also know that it just isn't possible for me to do. There are too many hurting souls out there and there is not enough of me.
I will do what I can - with the people who are hurting in my offline life and by maintaining the Directory. But going back there is just not good for me.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Catching Up
I have found day care. It is a wonderful home situation, and the care provider has been doing it for 17 years. Also, she is a survivor of 6 miscarriages and her living children are both the product of fertility treatments. She works with babies and kids all day. That is heartening, somehow.
I am almost prepared for the holiday season. Gifts are purchased and will hopefully be all wrapped by the end of this evening. I am not doing any baking. I love to eat it too much and it the new suits I am buying for work will not look good with extra Christmas weight under them.
I had a very long and heavy moment where I was absolutely dumbstruck with the grief of doing Santa gifts for the first time. 3 years after the birth of my first child. Not what I pictured for my life.
I promise to add some photos of BB on the other site soon, and will notify.
I also will write a not-sucky post someday.
Monday, December 10, 2007
But he's MY baby
So I need to find daycare. I know, I know, I am really into last-minute mode here. I have less than a month to find someone. It could prove to be very difficult.
We will definitely be using home daycare, as anything else is almost non-existent here. So we are relying on word-of-mouth to find someone.
What questions should I ask? Should I ask to come and spend an afternoon with BB to see if I think it will be a good fit? HELP! I know nothing about this.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Clearing Out
When the main floor is clean and tidy, the basement is a disaster. The reverse is true. It bothers me to the point of constant irritation. And spending all of my time in this messy/dirty house can make me a horrible person to live with.
All of this history makes it a little easier to understand why I am just so satisfied that my bedroom is clean and tidy. It has been vacuumed and dusted, the sheets are clean, and clean clothes are starting to make their way back into the closets and drawers.
The kitchen floor has no food stuck to it. The baby can crawl in the bathroom and suck on the toilet without causing me to disintegrate in panic (I disinfected the hell out of it today - and no I don't let him suck on the toilet, but he's getting really quick....).
Yesterday, I started this cleaning binge with a closet purge of momentous proportions. I ruthlessly disposed of anything that I don't wear and anything that I do wear but look horrible in. 5 large garbage bags of clothing were neatly piled into the trunk of my car and donated to the lovely people at the Salvation Army. (incidentally, as soon as I got back from the Salvation Army, I had to rush back to beg and plead with them to let me recover my husband's good coat, which was accidentally donated)
The most satisfying part of the whole thing is that this is something that I have been daydreaming about for a long time. Although it is always good to get rid of the clutter in our lives, this was the sort of clutter that carried extra weight with it. So many of these clothing items were ugly, and I knew it when I bought them. But these are the things that I bought between pregnancies. When I was looking for something cheap to get me through to next month, when I would surely be pregnant again. No use spending a lot of money on something you aren't going to wear for very long.
These clothing items spent too much time in my closet. And every time I put them on, I would remember wearing them when I didn't care about how I looked. When I gave up on appearances. When the only thing that mattered was my desperate charting of basil body temperature and cervical fluid.
These things carried with them the spectre of death. Yesterday, I purged my closet. In so doing, I moved even further away from a life of Death towards a life of Life.
Friday, November 30, 2007
On Sleep
So, I will tell a tale of Ferb*er.
This is the system. Break the bad habit of nursing to sleep and get BB sleeping through the night, all in one fell swoop. This is how:
Nap 1: put baby in crib. When he cries, go in to comfort at 5 min, 10 min, 15 min, 15 min, 15min, etc. If he doesn't fall asleep, get him up after an hour and skip that nap.
Nap 2: Repeat.
Bedtime: Pleasant bedtime routine, then into bed and the same method as the naps.
Day 2, etc.: add 5 minutes of cry time to each interval.
Baby should be responding after 3 days to a week and the cry times will have decreased.
What happened in our house:
Day 1
Nap 1: Nursed to sleep, as per usual.
Nap 2: Cried for the hour. Cried harder when I went in to comfort. Didn't nap.
Bedtime: Cried for 45 min, and gave up in exhaustion. Whimpered in his sleep for hours. Slept through the night. Hmmm, this might be working?
Day 2
Nap 1: Cried the hour. Cried harder when I went in to comfort. Didn't nap.
Nap 2: Cried for 45 min. Fell asleep for 20 min, then woke screaming.
Bedtime: Cried for 90 minutes, fell asleep for a few hours, whimpered in his sleep for hours, woke to nurse (kept him awake), cried an hour before going back to sleep.
Day 3
Nap 1: Cried the hour. When absolutely ballistic if I went in to comfort. Didn't nap.
Nap 2: Done. Back to nursing.
So why did I quit? On paper, it looks like it was working, that he was starting to learn to sleep on his own, right?
The change in his personality was horrible. He went from being the happiest, most easy-going baby in the world to the neediest, most anxious baby in the world, literally overnight. He would scream when I left the room. He would scream if we walked anywhere near his bedroom. He would lose his mind if I put him in the crib. He would scream if I lay him down to change his diaper. When he woke from his last Fer*ber nap, he would scream unless my husband and I were both holding him at the same time.
I realize that this could have been a temporary situation. That he might revert to that easygoing temperament in a couple of weeks. But the possibility that he would remain in this anxious state was there. And it seemed a sacrifice that wasn't acceptable to me.
Also, the concern we both had for BB's well-being was putting major, worrisome strain on our marriage. It wasn't worth what was happening between the two of us.
It took me a week of comfort and gentleness with BB to get him over his fear of the bedroom. He is still crying when he wakes up, something he has never done in his life (he would usually just play or call out to me). He still sometimes cries when I lay him down to change him.
I think the problem is that I tried to go from full-on attachment parenting to this very detached style. I don't think it could have had much success. There needed to be an intermediate step. Though, most people say that you must stick with the CIO method for at least 3 days, and I (admittedly) did not do that. Who knows? It might have worked.
Incidentally, I also picked up Dr. Sears' book when I brought home Fe*rber's. It is all about attachment parenting and says that CIO isn't affective. Imagine my guilt when I picked it up and started to read that night.
So, the whole experience has taught me this: I am an attachment parent. The solution to my child's sleep problems isn't going to come from him CIO. I bent to the pressure all around me, from mothers swearing up and down that CIO was the "best thing they ever did". It doesn't suit me and it doesn't suit BB.
So how is the sleep now? It is going quite well, actually. I have stopped nighttime nursing; he has gone a week without middle of the night boobie. If he gets up in the night, I rock him to sleep or bring him to bed with me. And we are getting the best sleep we have for weeks. He even slept from 9:30pm-7:00am this week (in his crib, no waking).
It is a moving target. Naps aren't always of good length, but are improving. We are sticking with a daily schedule, religiously, and following the 2-3-4 rule (works like a charm).
And I have decided that the "problem" was always one of perception. Nursing to sleep is not necessarily a "bad habit". It is a parenting choice. I agree with Dr. Sears on this one - it can be a healthy, comfortable way for a baby to fall asleep. He will grow out of it as he starts to wean.
The major stressor in the whole situation is my return to work in January. However, I have managed (just this week) to arrange my part-time schedule so I work from 1:30-4:30 daily. I can put him down for his morning nap at home, his afternoon nap at the sitter's, and home for bedtime - he never needs to stop nursing! (Ha, Ha, little joke there....)
It just took me 10 months to figure this out. I'll let you know what happens if all my best-laid plans go the way of mice and men.
Thursday, November 22, 2007
As the days go by...
But there is one brewing. Truly. And I intend to elaborate on my Fer*ber experience, you know, so others know a bit about it the way I see it.
Till then, I will be daydreaming about my upcoming visit to Toronto.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
An Open Letter
I quit you. Sorry.*
*How Canadian of me, this apology. I snicker at myself.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Coming attractions
It will be a heckova road trip, though. Google Maps tells me that our route encompasses 1,636 km. Perhaps that sounds daunting. It is, a little. But nothing in Western Canada is close to anything else. Which means these road trips are always long.
I am hoping that BB's cold will continue to improve, as it has seemed to over the past 24 hours. I am not sure how this all is going to work. He won't sleep in the car. Perhaps this road trip will cure him of that? I don't have high hopes.
If he is well when we return, I guess I am ready to go Fer*ber. I guess I should mention that the main problem we have is that he will not go to sleep on his own. On good days, he nurses to sleep. On bad days, it takes an hour of rocking and walking and bouncing and patting and hairpulling to get him to sleep. When you account for 2 daytime naps, bedtime, then 3-5 night wakings (thankfully, many of those wakings are before midnight), I spend around 6 hours every day helping him get to sleep. This must stop. If he can learn to fall asleep on his own, I will call it Nirvana, even if he does still need a middle-of-the-night feeding.
This inability to fall asleep on his own is a combination of his preference (what baby wouldn't want to cozy into Mommy to fall to sleep?) and my desire to be with him as much as possible. Frankly, he is irresistible when sleeping. I could sit and stare at him for hours, sleeping in my arms. But as nice at that was in the first few months of his life (and admittedly still is), it isn't very practical. I need to be able to get a few things done while he sleeps. And having to put him to sleep each time is an exercise in insanity.
Besides, I have too many hours inside my own head when sitting in a dark room, rocking my reluctant sleeper. My brain has travelled avenues of grief in those hours that I thought I had gently put behind me. Sleep deprivation + darkness + baby in my arms = too many thoughts of the baby who isn't here. Those thoughts just don't feel very healthy.
So, next week look for new photos of our road trip and tales of a Fer*berizing Mommy.
Saturday, November 03, 2007
So. Tired.
I fell asleep during the extraction portion of my facial today. Yes, the part where the esthetician digs blemishes out of my skin with sharp metal objects.
I intend to invite Dr. Fer*ber into our home in 10 days (after our weekend away). Good idea or not? Anyone have experience with the good Doctor? All I know is that Pant*ly isn't getting us anywhere, fast.
Talk amoungst yourselves. I'm going to sleep.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
All Hallows Eve
So sad.
I was so excited that Halloween of 2004, walking through the local Walmart, forcing myself not to buy the little pumpkin costume that was winking beguilingly at me. I don't know what size to get, I thought, and convinced myself to wait until next year, when I knew how big he would be.
There was no Halloween costume next year.
The cyclical nature of our lives leaves a date/time stamp on the psyche, whether I like it or not. I had to stop today and figure out why I felt like bawling - even though I was holding the cutest little Monkey at the costume party. And there it was. No big brother to pull the Monkey's tail.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
I wish my brain didn't work like this.
This kind of mother.
I uploaded more pictures.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Just when...
What a sporadic good/bad sleeper I have on my hands.
All I could think of while I rocked him to sleep today was: SO WHAT if sleep experts think babies should fall asleep on their own. Even though my bad back is getting worse, even though I don't get anything done, and even though I am just as often resentful of having to put him to sleep - I get to hold his beautiful, sleeping little body in my arms and rock, rock, rock. Love, love, love.
Only about 90% of the time does my mind wander to another little boy who might have liked to rock.
Is it possible for the soul to burst with love for two boys; one very much the light of our lives and one the gaping hole in our hearts?
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Quite possibly the cutest baby in the entire world.
Now, though I have mentioned that BB is indescribably cute, I feel that I must attempt to describe it anyway. Here's the thing: everywhere we go, people stop in their tracks, stare, and exclaim in tones of disbelief at how cute he is. They inform me that he has dimples and that he has teeth (because I most certainly hadn't noticed on my own). "How adorable! Is he always this happy?" they query. (Yes). They wax poetic at the blondness of his hair and the blueness of his eyes and the chubbiness of his hands and the sweetness of his expression. He flirts and he charms everyone he sees.
I almost feel guilty for not having tried to make him the next G*erber baby.
I have become convinced that he really is as cute as I think he is. Because I am, of course, his mother - thus, completely prejudiced on this particular subject. His grandmother agrees with me.
P.S. I added some video at the other site (you must email for the location). Please comment. I think that much of the cuteness is personality. It is hard to capture in a picture...
Friday, October 19, 2007
Ready? Twitching...
I look at this incredibly perfect and indescribably cute boy that we have created and I know with a vast amount of certainty that there is going to have to be another child in this house. And I realize that there is only one way for us to get there.
Despite maintaining a public facade of having misgivings about the issue, my mind is actually made up. There will be another child. And I think that my husband would agree on that point - but we haven't spent a lot of time discussing it. No ovulation, no need to discuss.
Naturally, I would prefer children close in age. Which implies that we shouldn't allow too many more eggs to go gently into that good night. Considering our history of "13th try's the charm", we will likely face a year or so of trying, anyway.
33 months and one successful subsequent pregnancy are having an insulating effect from the terror that I would expect to feel at the prospect of procreating again. We now need to decide when we feel that the timing would be right (and the comfort level high enough) to start walking this harrowing path yet again.
Maybe this is just the luteinizing hormone talking.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Words for October 15th
[Email me for the text]
Sunday, October 14, 2007

Friday, October 12, 2007
Soooo sorry we couldn't help you with that.
I feel sick.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Today I had to fill in a form for BB's music class.
"Child's Position in the Family: ____ of ____"
I put "1 of 1". Didn't feel like putting "2 of 2 but his brother is dead", for some reason. It took a lot of thought, though, before I filled it in. What do I want to do, where do I want to go with this?
I am starting to find myself feeling more frightened that BB is going to die in his sleep. I don't know why this is happening now - perhaps his preference for tummy sleeping? I don't know. It isn't very much fun, though.
Comment this weekend: "How nice we can all be together for Thanksgiving. It is just sad that Grandpa Bob couldn't be here - he is the only one missing!" Ummmmm?
BB looks so like his brother. A blessing and a curse.
I wish I had something more profound to write.
Sunday, September 30, 2007
I refuse to say more on the grounds that I may jinx it.
What the hell am I going to complain about if not times and measures of sleep??? Oh well, I am sure I will find something....
Monday, September 24, 2007
The Odds
I sent a care package of books and a sympathy card to Cousin A. I will send a sympathy card to Cousin B tomorrow. I don't have more books to send, so will have to ask Cousin A to pass them to Cousin B when they are done with them.
I wish that I could say that I am surprised and shocked. But, like it or not, I live in a world where the surprise comes when a baby lives. I am so sad that my cousins now know this sorrow. I much preferred feeling jealous of their naivete to sharing in their sorrow.
Reminded again how fairness has nothing to do with it.
Friday, September 21, 2007
Thursday, September 20, 2007
It's the best game you can name...
Why do some people feel it is okay to disrupt everyone around them with rude comments and loud, obnoxious behaviour? Irritating, but it was funny to watch BB give her dirty looks... my eight month old has a better sense of propriety than this 20-something.
Disappointingly, Our Team didn't win - but it is just preseason, right? We have tickets to see Our Team play the Arch Rivals in a couple of months. This upcoming game is in their home rink. I am dying to watch BB's reaction to the game in that exciting atmosphere. Our seats aren't nearly so good at this game, but I hope he will still be able to see enough to be involved in the on-ice activity.
It was fun - worth missing a nap and bedtime*. It feels so good to be able to have fun as a family. I couldn't imagine this a year ago. Sooooo good.
* We are pretty fortunate that BB gets hysterically giddy when tired, not fussy. He laughs and squeals and jumps and claps. Then he might whimper a bit, then back to the hysteria.
Monday, September 17, 2007
More loss for my family
Firstly, I know the anguish they must be feeling. Her two previous pregnancies were fraught with pre-term labour angst. Their youngest (my shadow child for C., a month older than he would have been) has struggled with major breathing problems and has been hospitalized frequently. I know that my cousin was reluctant to try another pregnancy, but his wife was determined. I guess I can't blame her - I know what it is like to feel like your family is incomplete. I also understand his point of view - he likely felt like they were pushing their luck.
Secondly, as soon as the line turned pink, there was a message for all to see on Facebook. Every single one of her over 150 "Friends" would have read her status that she was "excited to be expecting their 3rd child." So now she has to somehow un-tell all of those people (plus anyone she told IRL). She either deleted or locked her profile instead. I certainly know why she did that. I wouldn't want to un-tell 150 people, most of them passing acquaintances or people from high school.
Thirdly, I am certain that both of their kids knew that Mommy had a baby in her tummy. They maybe even knew that they were expecting two babies. Now they face the horrible task of trying to make a 2.75 year old and 4 year old understand that they aren't going to have any new babies in the house.
Finally, my cousin's brother and his wife are expecting their first child. The brothers were really excited that their children were due in the same week. Cousins almost exactly the same age! Now the younger brother will probably bring home a baby from the hospital that week, while the older brother thinks of the babies that should also be there. Another shadow child for our family.
I tried calling my cousin's wife this afternoon, but there was no answer. We aren't really close, but we get on well enough when we are at family gatherings. I was going to offer to send her my collection of pregnancy loss books. I don't know if she wasn't home or didn't want to talk to me. I am a talker; some people don't want to "talk about it".
So I feel like I am caught - knowing that there is nothing to be done, but desperately wanting to do something. This is the first loss in my generation of our family since C. died. My cousin and I were once as close as two cousins possibly could be. Time, teen angst, and the boy/girl interest gap changed that, but I still love him as much as I did when I was 7 or 8 years old. I want to help him and his family if I can. I know that sending books in the mail isn't going to make anything better, but it would feel like I have done the very little that I could.
I hate this sh*t.
Friday, September 14, 2007
A shout out to the Universe
Now, to resist buying everything in the baby department and carting it all to her hospital room. Instead, a vote... which colour should I get her for little J?

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
In the mean time...
My mom keeps offering sleep "advice". She doesn't know what sleep techniques I am trying (and I honestly don't want to explain - it would not turn out well), so she thinks that I am making self-defeating decisions. I have resisted the urge to suggest, in the spirit of offering unsolicited advice, that she quit eating like a pig and she might lose that weight she keeps complaining about. Wouldn't it be cool if I had a functional relationship with my mother? I don't.
I attempted to find a quiet moment to discuss the problems of low-fluid and cord compression with Jen, the pregnant woman in the mom/tots group. Unfortunately, she is a larger-than-life person who does not regularly seem to experience quiet moments. I am not sure where to go with this. I guess I will continue to wait for an opportunity to talk with her and pray that all goes well, regardless.
I find myself feeling panicked when I imagine BB as an older child. I imagine that some of that feeling is related to typical "my baby is growing up so fast" angst. But, I realized today that imagining BB as an older child forces my brain to grapple with the continuing reality that C. will not reach those ages or milestones. It never ends, people. I just don't bawl my face off much anymore.
BB looks like a toddler now. It is so amazing and frightening, all at the same time. I love him past the point of coherent description. If I could, I would pause my life during our daily game of "Kisses and Cuddles". Baby giggles, inquisitive hands searching my face, laying on our bed, sweet milk breath, wet kisses, squirmy arms and legs. Perfection.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Friday, September 07, 2007
Stuff 'n Rambles
We start swimming lessons next week. I can't wait. We ended up in the tub together this morning after an explosive diaper incident and BB played and splashed and generally had a good time. (Hey, I wonder if this accounts for the longer nap - bath then bedtime. Does he think it is nighttime? Do I have to bath him before every nap?).
I took him to a mom/tot playgroup yesterday. So fun. It is amazing (if a little sad, considering) to see how much he loves watching the older kids play. Soon, he will be mobile enough to get right in there. He is doing that army-crawl on his tummy now.
Whilst at the playgroup, a very pregnant mom-of-three was discussing her current pregnancy. She had what she referred to as "dry births" with her other two (oligohydramnios, no doubt from her description). Both of those pregnancies went post-term and the babies were 10 pounds+. Her doctor has no plans to induce until at least 10 days past her due date (current Canadian guidelines, she says). Listening to her talk, she is annoyed (because of the continuing discomfort of late pregnancy), but not afraid. I felt sick listening to her.
Should I have interjected, telling her that C.'s death due to cord compression was probably as much to do with the oligohydramnios as the cord around his neck? Should I have told her that lack of fluid presents a real danger relating to cord compression? Should I have told her the warning signs of cord compression? Should I have tried to convince her to insist on a BPP to verify fluid levels and continuing NSTs if they are on the low side? Should I have told her that she has to do regular BPPs, because fluid levels can change without warning? Should I have told her to lie to her doctor if she had to (telling him the baby hasn't been moving much) to get these tests?
Because those are the things I know and those are the things I would do.
I didn't say anything. How do you yell "danger! dead baby alert" across a crowed room of playing toddlers and obliviously, sweetly niave moms?
I will just hate myself if something bad happens. I wonder if I can talk to her about it next week. I know it isn't my responsibility, but I feel the weight of my knowledge like an anvil around my neck.
I guess I don't trust doctors as much as I pretend to when it comes to pregnancy.
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Mommy's fault?
Sleep issues abound. Currently coping by doing some co-sleeping. Trying to do that as safely as possible.
However, the other night, nothing would comfort BB. He went to bed at 7:30, but was up again several times. At 10:30, I tried everything. NOTHING. Not pacing, rocking, or (the sure-fire solution) nursing. So, I popped him in the sling and presto! he was immediately calm. It took but 10 minutes of combined pacing and rocking and he was out.
So there I sat, in my rocker, in the dark thinking why didn't I think of this sooner? Worked like a charm? I hope he is comfortable; he barely fits the sling anymore. I hope he can breathe okay with his head in this position. He sure seems settled. etc.
In this midst of this self-congratulation, I realized that I could no longer hear him breathe (he has been kind of wheezy with this cold).
At that moment, I knew I had killed him. Knew it. There was no moment of fear; it was the full rush of responsibility for my child's death, planning the funeral, the aftermath. It took no more than an ear to his face to hear his little breaths, but the damage to my psyche was done. He was fine, actually breathing better than he had in a week. I was not. I bawled.
Apparently, I am harbouring a very powerful fear-of-killing-my-child phobia. Jeez, wonder where that comes from.
P.S. Email if you need the photo site link again.
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Saturday, September 01, 2007
And I don't need extra reasons to feel those emotions.
*how do you like that run-0n sentence?
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Of Mice And Men
Saturday, August 25, 2007
What a jerk. Updated
Okay, here are my problems:
BB was just nursing to sleep, but that seems to be tapering off with the introduction of more solids. He will now walk to sleep or rock to sleep. I am working on the nirvana of getting him to fall asleep on his own in his crib, using The No-Cry Sleep Sol*ution. I don't know if I am getting anywhere. I am still on Phase 1 (of 6 or 7).
His naps are still brutally short (20-30 min.). If I catch him at just the right time, I can get him back to sleep, but then I have to hold him through a dream session or he wakes himself up in his crib. Essentially, I think the problem is that he wakes when he dreams. He doesn't seem to do this at night, though. So what's the difference? He can stay asleep for several hours at night but not during the day. The result is a baby that isn't getting enough daytime sleep = not enough total sleep.
He also has developed a problem with hypnic jer*ks. He falls asleep nicely, but as soon as I put him in his crib he starts jer*king awake, falling asleep, jerking awake, falling asleep - about every 30 seconds or so. He arms slam down on the bed and he gasps. After about 5 minutes of that, he doesn't fall back asleep. The only solution is for me to hold him. I can lay down with him on the futon in his room, holding him in the laying-down nursing position. He still jer*ks (I can feel him), but he doesn't wake. I don't know if this is a particularly safe way for him to sleep, though. Especially when I accidentally fall asleep with him. Oh, and swaddling doesn't help.
I know that time may be all that he needs to resolve the short-nap issue. Any interim solutions? Any ideas for the hypnic jer*king? I can't start a pattern of co-sleeping with him every time he needs to sleep; as much as I like the idea of getting 14-15 hours of sleep every day, I think that I may have to make a meal or shower occasionally. And the no-sleep-poop issue? I am grasping at straws to imagine that anyone might have a solution for that one.
Here's the real kicker. He doesn't get fussy or upset when he is tired. He yawns and rubs his eyes and stares and maybe whimpers a bit. When I try to get him to sleep, though, he cries and carries on. Does he just need less sleep than average? Hard for me to imagine. He is tired, he just isn't a fussy baby (I think).
I miss my 3 mon*th-old who napped so easily and slept 10 hours though the night. Stupid teething. Poor baby.
Update: I forgot to add that he also has mastered the art of rolling over and therefore must roll over at every opportunity. Which means that he does it in his sleep. And his sleepy brain thinks that someone is tossing him over on his tummy and then he wakes up and cries. Or sometimes he likes to sleep on his side, loses his balance and ends up on his tummy. On rare occasions, he will then sleep on his tummy for a while (thank god for my Angel Care monitor, or I would not be able to stomach it). Most of the time, he needs me to go in and help him fall back asleep.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Vigilance, thy name is "Mother"?
I can't believe that I was so complacent to allow something like that to happen. It was like I was living in that "la la la bad stuff happens to other people" land. How many thousands of times has everyone said not to take your eyes off a baby when he is on an elevated surface? I saw him fall. It was horrifying. It still makes me feel sick when I think of it. Not because of the "what might have been" (which is terrifying, in and of itself), but because it was my fault that he fell. I wasn't being vigilant.
I have had to work through what my role was in C.'s death. Of course, this is hindsight, so what I see now is a different picture than what I saw that night. When I went into labour at midnight, I dug out my What To Expect book. Bloody show - check. Cramping - check. Stomach hard to the touch - check. OK, so I am in labour. What did I do? Sort of half-assed timed contractions and tried to sleep. Didn't wake my husband. I waited until his alarm went off and told him I thought that "today is the day". Sent him to work. Did laundry. Called my friend. Phoned in sick to work. Waited until 10:30 a.m. to call him home. Went into L&D. Was informed that my baby was dead.
I was complacent. I assumed that everything was okay. I didn't know to pay attention to his movements. I honestly don't know if I felt him move while I was in labour. I might have. I just don't know. Might things have turned out differently if I had gone to L&D the moment I suspected I was in labour? Maybe. I will never know.
But I thought that I had learned the hard way that complacency and motherhood could not exist safely together. That it was dangerous to allow arrogance to creep in. He's fine, nothing can hurt him.
My mother was from the school of hard knocks (don't cry, that didn't hurt, you're okay), so I know that my parenting style is borne of that model. I know that I am much more cautious by nature than my mother. But, I don't feel like I have been vigilant enough.
This may seem self-indulgent, and it is a little. After all, little boys will fall and bump their heads. They will skin their knees and break bones. They will get hurt and cry dirty tears. And, usually, they will get right back out there - back to the business of being little boys - as soon as their tears are dried.
But for now, while he is so small, and still such a baby, it is my responsibility to keep him safe. I didn't do that on Saturday. I'm sorry, Baby.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Another Holiday
'Till then, be well.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Just About Bedtime
Which brings up something that I have been giving a lot of thought. I feel like I am a real novice at prayer. That statement is more complicated than I can really explain right now. To sum up; I think that my prayers are more like wishes than prayers. And the whole dead-baby thing kind of blew up my whole belief system (currently attempting to rebuild).
Nonetheless my prayers/wishes have been granted recently. Stupid, little, unimportant prayers like asking for good weather when I am having a backyard BBQ. See how that is more like a wish than a prayer? But I asked, and it happened.
Is it all just a whole lot of coincidence that these little "prayers" of mine have been answered (I am still uncomfortable referring to them that way)? Or is it a little olive branch being offered, like "see? I can be there when you ask me to be, you just have to ask for the right things..."
The prayers that I prayed when I was trying to get pregnant were body, mind, and soul. I begged and cried. Yet, for 13 cycles, nothing happened. Then, last week, I ask for sunshine and it comes my way. It's confusing.
I guess I sort of feel like I didn't get my Prayer for Dummies manual. I need rules. This what you do, this is what you say, and then (if you have followed the rules) you get what you want. Obviously that is not how prayer works. But so many people make it seem that way. It is hard to believe in something that you don't understand and that you don't feel like you are doing "right". What are the rules????
And yet, I still pray. In my juvenile "God bless Mommy and Daddy and Kitty, and please let Janie be my friend" kind of way. Perhaps I need to see my priest about some prayer lessons.
Maybe I am too concerned about doing it "right".
OK. Enough for tonight.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Studying is hard. Whinge, whinge, whinge. Sob, sob, woe is me. Doesn't everyone feel sorry for little old me?
I will, however, get to put a new set of initials behind my name. And I do love the subject matter, even though I don't like memorizing it.
Friday. I think I know enough to pass.
P.S. The Daddy has been really super at helping BB sleep - with a little mid-nap rocking, he will sometimes nap for 1.5 hours. It seems he wakes himself up when he starts dreaming...
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Soooo... nursing to sleep. Real problem in our house. An overtired baby who only sleeps 30 min. at a time is also a problem. I am dying to get this exam over and help get the sleep thing back on track. Everything went to pot when those teeth arrived.
I have been mulling over this sensation that I have that BB isn't here to stay. Like when I think of future plans, I almost have to remind myself that he will still be here. I will explore this further. Après l'examen.
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Quickly, quickly
No time for nouns/long sentences.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Feed me.
Smarten me up - what do you know? Do you prefer web-based or client-based aggregators?
BTW, I run on Windows XP. Because I use my work laptop. (Yes, they sent it with me on my mat. leave. Awesome for me. Weirdly congenial on their part.)
So - I am studying for my last exam that will earn me a degree that I started years ago. Related to these exams (which I passed, btw). Next Friday. I couldn't be less prepared. Only a nut-job tries to finish a degree with a 6 month old attached to her breast. And here I am blogging.
I am going to bed now. And I am getting up early to study, swear to god.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Holiday Photos
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Getting There
In the mean time, think on this:
Waitress: My SIL is having triplets. I can't wait. It will be so cool. She will be bed ridden for the last couple of months, but still, it's exciting.
Just curious; does your inner voice add "Yeah, if she's really lucky" to any of that? Mine does.
In other news, I am about to get a start on the laundry. Hopefully, I will find my kitty under one of the piles.... she's been missing for several days now....
P.P.S. It is 39.7 degrees C out there. That's past tropical, my friends.
Monday, July 23, 2007
What am I doing? Eating leftover Chinese take-out and catching up on blogs. Good times. They should drum me out of the Mommy Union.
Oh well. It's hot out. BB can get by wearing only diapers, right?
Upcoming: Pictures and thoughts from our holiday.
P.S. If you had a post remarkably similar to this one come across your feed from the Babyloss Directory, well, blame it on sleep deprivation. I'm a Duh.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
See you in 12 Days
I wish I had more time for a decent post, but packing the RV for the first time is a huge undertaking. And laundry. If we are to leave any time tomorrow, I have to get back to work.
Be well for the next 12 days. I will be thinking of you.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Of course, this is the stuff of daydreams. We will probably not make any concrete plans until next spring. But it is great to imagine what a person would need to pack when RVing with a 18 month old.
I no longer just imagine what it would have been like, I get to imagine what it will be like. That makes me one of the most blessed people on the face of this earth.
So, let's say you were going to cross this great country of ours, heading east on the No. 1 and maybe returning west through northern USA. What would you want to see?
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Off the Mini Mommy Ledge
Interestingly, after I wrote this post, he starting rolling over like gangbusters. He's done it half a dozen times since then. Like he is saying "See Mommy? No big deal."
He did that in the womb, too. Every time I would convince myself that he had stopped moving, he would start doing the Cha Cha Cha. I thanked him a lot during those days.
All of this is really great for me. But I am (only slightly) concerned about this constant reassurance that he is providing. What if it turns into the dysfunctional cycle of co-dependency that I share with my own mother? I do want him to be like me in other ways, but it would be great if he didn't require the mother-related therapy that I do. Or maybe I should just start a savings account right now. How many 6 month olds have a piggy bank in their rooms labeled "Future Therapy Bills"?
Friday, July 06, 2007
Mini Mommy Freak Out
But he's nearly 6 months old. Everyone asks about it. Some 4 monthers roll.
In other news, he is nearly 20 lbs heavy and almost 2.5' tall. Huge, people, huge.
He is the proud owner of 2 front teeth.
But he doesn't sit up on his own either. And he gags on his rice cereal and mashed bananas.
Okay, deep breath. All is good. Normal. Healthy.... right??? right???
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Nobody Told Me
Another pregnancy? Who made that decision without telling me?
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Things are better
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Sad and Angry
You are looking at is what used to be a 4' tall rhubarb plant. Hail. Bloody Toonie-sized hail.
My garden is destroyed. Shredded. If I am really, really lucky, the perennials and shrubs will survive with some careful pruning. No, I won't get any blooms or anything this year. But I hope they won't die.
My car will probably be written off. And we will have to buy a new one - while I am on mat. leave. A great time to spend thousands and thousands of dollars.
But this loss is what makes me want to cry my eyes out. Once something is dead, it's always dead. Which is why I am more upset about my hydrangea than my car.
Worse things have happened. To me and to you, my friends. But my garden was a source of happiness to me. To have it so instantly destroyed really, really hurts.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Friday, June 29, 2007
Unexpected and Strange Sight
On the way, I fought the urge to hurl my body at the ground, flail my limbs, and scream my agony for my dead son. He should be at Grandma's, too.
It's a bust (ha, ha, a little breastfeeding humour there)
I don't mind talking about C. when it is natural to bring him into the conversation. But I don't think that I am going to get to the point where I say "So.... I had a dead baby. How 'bout you?" when there is a lull in conversation.
It was a little sad, though, to watch their older children play. There is about the same difference between my two kids and their two kids. And that is something that my heart notices.
Thanks to everyone for popping in to say "hi." Especially those of you who lurk or don't comment much. Sometimes I feel like I send words out into the ether and no one notices. Now I am certain that someone notices. Thank you, my friends.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Do you see what I see?
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
I'm just plain snoopy
Rather than pick on my very sweet anonymous friends, let's play a game. According to my stats, I get about 40-50 visits a day. So I would love to know who you are. Leave me a comment. Like this:
Hi, Siku the polar bear here. From Churchill, Manitoba, Canada.*** I'm not a regular reader. I'm a bear. Bears can't read.
Or something like that. Just a few words. You can remain anonymous, I'm okay with that. Just leave me a little "I wuz here" note. To satisfy my curiosity.
P.S. This game can be played by lurkers and non-lurkers alike. Just so you know.
***You may want to get out to Churchill and see the polar bears before they're all gone. Just a thought.
3... 2... 1... JUMP!
God, it makes me nervous. I am hoping that we do that thing where everyone sits in a circle and introduces themselves and their child. If this happens, I am planning on saying "Hi, I'm [delphi]. I have two children. Our oldest son, C. died during labour in 2005. This is his younger brother, [BB]. He is five and a half months old." Get it out of the way, you know? Because I would hate having to answer the questions over and over with each woman individually.
But maybe I am imagining this group to be more like a support group than a Mom's group. I don't know what happens at Mom's groups. Maybe they don't go around a circle and introduce themselves. Since this one is run by Public Health, I do know that they often get people in to speak to the group. Smart doctory-type people. So maybe there isn't as much interaction between the women. I don't know.
I do know that I have no REAL friends in my city - only women that are high-level acquaintances. There aren't going to be any real friends unless I get off my tukas and do something about it.
And C. can't be an excuse.
Monday, June 25, 2007
Even when you think you are "safe"
I bet that was the first time my grief counsellor watched one of her clients field that dreaded question. And I did it with class.
Updated to add: This wasn't a Babyloss Memorial. Just a general memorial. Or else the above would be TOO idiotic!
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Gratuitous Babywearing Conversation with Myself
Currently, I am obsessed with baby carriers. I already own this ring-sling.




Does anyone have any preferences they want to share with me? I can't justify getting another ring sling (i.e. the beloved Ma.ya Wrap). But I am interested in opinions regarding the other options.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Following Niobe's lead
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I just can't stand her.
Here is a list of possible reasons why:
- the first time we met, it was 10 months after C. died. She was on mat. leave. She talked about her son the whole time. Then verbally stumbled through the minefield when she asked about my kids.
- she is covering my mat. leave and people like her.
- she took her schooling through a correspondence course (it shows in her work, too) and seems to believe it is the equivalent to a degree earned at a reputable university.
- she dresses inappropriately for her figure and for a professional environment.
- she is overly familiar with clients.
- she felt it appropriate to discuss her high school drinking binges at the corporate Christmas party - A Series of Unfortunate (and Unfunny) Anecdotes.
- she didn't kowtow to me at all when she was my underling.
- she is just a person that I wouldn't ever like, no matter what life circumstances were involved.
If it is reason 1, then I should just accept that I won't ever forgive her the injury to my soul when I was at my most vulnerable.
If it is reason 2-7, I should just get over myself already. So she works where I work. She won't replace me and she isn't better than me. I shouldn't feel so threatened.
If it is reason 8, I should just be happy that I only have to work with her, not live with her.
Sadly, it is very likely that she will still be employed in my department when I return to work next January. And, also sadly, I sort of wish that we could be friends. How often do you meet women the same age as you with similar interests?
It frustrates me when I can't tell if something is a grief response or just plain old cattiness.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
"Is this your parents' first grandchild?" she asked. The woman who sat with her husband in the pew at C.'s funeral.
I didn't know what to say. So I chickened out and answered, "Yes."
Trying to turn the conversation I mentioned my husband's nieces.
"So this is [your husband's parents] first grandson?" asked another woman. The woman who wrote C.'s obituary.
I nodded half-heartedly.
They were trying to be nice. They put up with me gushing on and on about BB for 3 hours. They were just trying to make conversation.
But why couldn't they remember that BB is NOT our first child? And choose their words accordingly? And why couldn't I muster up the courage and find the right words to gently remind them about our perfect son C.?
So, from now on, when someone asks me if BB is the first grandchild, I will say "C. was their first grandchild and BB is their second." For my sanity.
Friday, June 15, 2007
Okay, I admit it (again)
This is old, people, really old. Can't 2.5 years of this be enough? Why do I relive my trauma every time some high school friend's boyfriend's sister has a baby?
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Lest we lose focus...
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Here I am.. No, over here!!
The wedding was bearable. I was surprised at how many times my heart tugged in C.'s direction. There really is something about a wedding, isn't there? Surrounded by all your family, but one. A day of hope and expectations. Jokes about how many kids the happy couple will have. Cooing over my living child. Many, many missed opportunities to say "BB looks like C."
Happily, there were few clueless comments to report.
Do you have women in your life who's only topics of conversation are their kids and the general state of procreation around them? The ones I know are stay-at-home-moms, but I wouldn't pin that as a general characteristic for all SAHMs.
Anyway, one particular SAHM had a grand old time laughingly describing her last labour in intimate detail. That was fun to listen to. I didn't join in - since no one is really that interested in hearing about C.'s labour (they get that look on their faces) and I am not going to talk about BB's labour like it was my only experience.
Then conversation turned to the noise level and how BB couldn't sleep with the DJ screaming (yep) into the microphone. SAHM told me that I should try having a 4 year old and 2.5 year old at home - then I would know noise. I resisted the urge to remind her that my 2.5 is just exceptionally quiet for his age.
All-in-all, not bad. Not bad at all.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Love is...
Thank you for all the moral support re: the previous post. I would like to have the guts to correct people, and I should. It just gets tiring, though, you know? But then when I am in the privacy of my own home, it really hurts that people would forget C. so easily. So it seems that I protect the people that hurt me at the expense of my own peace of mind. Really, I should stop letting others have so much control over my emotions. Easier said than done.
We are off to a wedding for the weekend. I will attempt to keep a list of all the well-intentioned but clueless comments so that I can share them with you come Monday.
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Irking me
But where would that get us?
Monday, June 04, 2007
Random Thoughts
I just googled a friend from high school. Gotta love that google. Lets you find out where people are and what they are doing without actually having to talk to them. Now I know where/what to avoid to not see this person again. Hurrah!
Lori's piece here is amazing.
Should I facebook?
Should I go to my high school class reunion?
Do you grow your own herbs? Why? What?
I am going to wash sheets and hang them on the line to dry. It is a beautiful sunny day. I cannot wait to sleep in those sheets.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
As Promised
My labour of love. My Love's labour (though he hates all things landscaping related - except if it involves a pressure washer). He indulged my need to landscape in that Summer of 2005. Good for the property value, good for water consumption (mostly it is a drought tolerant landscape), and good for my soul.
P.S. It is my intention to add pictures from Summer 2006, then on to 2007. We'll see if that happens. First, I need to do a LOT of weeding.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
P.S. The Globe and Mail is as wide read and important in Canada as the New York Times is in the US.
No news from the gallbladder front. One of the down-sides to public health care is that you have to wait for days to get "urgent" medical tests. The up-side to public health care is that the only bill I will have to pay for my little hospital stay will be for the ambulance ride (came in the mail today).
I can't eat any fat without chancing another attack. Oh, chocolate, how I love you. Cheese, my friend, what is life without you? Pastries? Bacon?
I have something of a memory garden. It is and it isn't. Most of the plants that I put in as ornamentals are chosen for some significant reason (i.e. "baby" in the cultivar title). But then, some of them are simply there for functionality (i.e. the Pavement roses along the sidewalk who's sole purpose is to poke the dickens out of any wayward schoolchild who thinks that s/he should walk in my perennial garden instead of on the sidewalk). The point being this: I am going to try and get some pictures on here. Because they are pretty.
BB looks like his brother. I don't know how I feel about that.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Messages for Rosepetal
I know that many, many people are thinking of her. If you would like to leave a message for her, please do so here.
Updated to add: Rosepetal is aware of this post.
Sunday, May 27, 2007
BB has a baby brother!
My only wish is that none of you ever have the pleasure.
Updated to add: When under the influence of narcotics, I did not recall that Little Stonechild would share his name with an infamous local personality. It is for that reason that I am officially changing his name to Mick.
Friday, May 25, 2007
No more? Prove it!
However, when I said "I don't know if we will try to have another" to my massage therapist yesterday, she looked at me as if I had sprouted another head. "oh," she said in slightly incredulous tone of voice.
"How come? Because of what happened to C.?"
OK, seriously, isn't that a good enough reason? Having one baby die was bad enough. Then considering that I am not infertile, but also not particularly fertile. Take into consideration polyhydramnios and BB's heart arrhythmia equalling a high-risk delivery. Yep. A little gun-shy on the repeat.
But why did I feel the need to justify myself to her. And why do I always feel like I have to justify the number of children I have to other people?
Friday, May 18, 2007
Looking Back
But life is different now. I need to try to put that difference in words.


Since BB came into our lives, it is so much easier to see through the fog. More like living in the Prairies. Beautiful sunsets. Wide open vistas. The occasional foggy day.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Sunday, May 13, 2007
I have to admit that I feel the weight of this task quite heavily. My 200th post. I was going to write a silly little post about the amazing cucumber sandwich that I made (with a photo, even), but decided that I should take things a little more seriously and make this one count.
So what I have decided to do is a Thank You post. To all the wonderful women and men in BlogLand that have helped me deal with some ugly sh*t and kept coming back to support me more. Obviously, I can't manage to honour everyone (I just know I am going to make someone feel left out with this... sigh... please don't hate me...). So I will stick to those amazing women who have Been There, Done That. ------->
To the most amazing Mothers (and fathers) I know.
Julian's Mom: Well, frankly, I think that you know that you pulled me through the early stages of grief by the bootstraps. Or maybe we pulled each other. I don't know. But thank god that somehow we managed to connect through this information superhighway. Life is crazy and busy and we don't manage to email as much as we did before. But I definitely think of you, Natalie, Julian and Robert every day.
IMA: You know what I want to say.
Kate: I love that you are so open and caring. I love that you share so much of your experience and empathy with every bereaved mother you come across. I love that you look at pictures of my garden and give me the appropriate oooo's and aaahhh's. You are someone that I call "friend".
Laura: You know that we have a lot in common, beyond this horrible loss. I think of you often and I am holding my breath for your happy ending. You are such a strong woman.
Msfitzita: It is so obvious that you are a writer. You have this amazing talent of distilling your life experience into words in a way that cuts to the heart of it all. Sometimes I can't even manage to leave you a comment because your words say everything. You inspire me in ways you will never imagine.
Catherine: I truly believe that you have saved lives with the words you write in your blog. I truly believe that women who come to your blog, where you so openly share the best and worst emotions in your soul, leave with a sense of belonging. It is like you are in the same room, opening your arms wide and offering a hug. Because you feel our pain just as we feel yours. I think that you are the Blogging world equivalent to our communal best friend.
Sarah: Your honesty regarding your grief and struggles with depression have been a source of great inspiration to me. I have (as much as virtually possible) been riding the highs and lows of your path to this pregnancy. And lordy me! am I counting down the days to your due date! Your comments on my posts have always been so supportive and thoughtful - I only hope that I managed to offer something of the same to you.
dbm - I really doubt you will read this: you are a busy mama! However, for posterity, I want you to know that the day I sat and read your blog from beginning to end was one of the first times that I felt like there was someone in the world that had lived through what I was dealing with. Your honesty and wicked sense of humour connected to my soul in a way you will never know.
Treggles - Good grief, a man writing a blog! It blew my mind. Thank you for your insight on those posts that no one else wanted to comment on. I am so glad that you have gotten your happy ending.
Mad Mommy - in your previous blog, we were treated to amazing new terminology, like "the gd gd" and "m*l*liciousness". Your humanity, your sense of humour, your truth. I think we were/are in it with you 100%. I still look forward to whatever you get around to posting.
Julie: You always take the time to comment and that means so much to me. I am always glad to read your blog, since you are just a little further down the path than I am. I found strength in numbers, since our recent pregnancies were so close in dates. Thank you for always being so thoughtful.
Rosepetal: I hardly know what to tell you. So I will concentrate on the good for the moment. You were so hugely supportive during my pregnancy with BB. I think you are an amazing person. And now, with all of what you face, I hope that I am half the friend to you that you have been to me.
WTF: I doubt anyone was more supportive than you when I was pregnant. You are a crazy gal with a huge heart and quick wit. You always say what you think and I love that. No mincing words from you, thank god. As soon as I have the good news, a little something will be in the mail to you...
Rach: I love that you are so strong in all of your beliefs, yet you manage to be open to the beliefs of those around you. You teach me something every day - be it OCD related, faith related, or mothering related. I love that our boys are so close in age. I don't have to use too much imagination when wondering what A. is like! I think you are a fabulous, open-hearted, wonderful mom.
I think that I have to quit there, before I sprain a finger from all this typing. I chose to highlight these amazing women, which meant that there are literally dozens of others that I left off. There are so many more that I deeply respect: Niobe's profundity, Sherry's courage, Karla's wicked sense of humour, anam cara's perspective... and the amazing, supportive comments from Bronwyn, Lori, Kathy McC, Emma's Mum, mommy2miracles, three minute palaver, Erin, my Australian friend Kate, and everyone else!!!
I hope that all of you who faced Mother's Day without your child(ren) had a peaceful day.