Saturday, August 04, 2007


The studying is going relatively well. The passing grade is 60%. That's what I am aiming for, folks. I bought packages of practice exams that I will likely not use. Hopefully, I can sell them to someone I know who is doing this in the fall.

Soooo... nursing to sleep. Real problem in our house. An overtired baby who only sleeps 30 min. at a time is also a problem. I am dying to get this exam over and help get the sleep thing back on track. Everything went to pot when those teeth arrived.

I have been mulling over this sensation that I have that BB isn't here to stay. Like when I think of future plans, I almost have to remind myself that he will still be here. I will explore this further. Après l'examen.


niobe said...

An upcoming test and a sleepless baby -- I'm not sure which is worse. At least the end of the studying is in sight.

Rosepetal said...

Bonne chance!

delphi said...

The effort of it all is stretching me a bit and causing some lack of clarity in my writing: BB does sleep at night (some nights better than others). He just doesn't nap well. So, essentially, he will sleep when I sleep and rarely any other time. Not a big deal, usually, just this studying thing....

Lori said...

I'm sorry... how old is BB now? I'm just wondering because my babies were all catnappers until about 6-9 months, and then they finally settled into a more predictable nap schedule. At a year, they became very scheduled.

Good luck with the studies!! You are making me tired just thinking about trying to keep all of those balls in the air!

Rosepetal said...

I was checking in for exam feedback but I forgot that it's next Friday....

Anonymous said...

From one student to another, good luck with the exams. I hope BB is letting you get some study done. And hopefully once the exams are over you can turn your attention to helping him to learn the benefits of a nap occasionally ;)

Good luck with the exams, we will be thinking of you.

Julian's Mom said...

I'm not proud to say that I've had those feelings/thoughts, too. The good news is that I think they start to go away a bit once you reach certain milestones. For us it was Natalie's first birthday...