Friday, July 06, 2007

Mini Mommy Freak Out

Would someone please tell me that it is normal for BB to choose laying there rather than all that strenuous rolling over? It's not like he can't; he's done it several times. He just doesn't want to.

But he's nearly 6 months old. Everyone asks about it. Some 4 monthers roll.

In other news, he is nearly 20 lbs heavy and almost 2.5' tall. Huge, people, huge.

He is the proud owner of 2 front teeth.

But he doesn't sit up on his own either. And he gags on his rice cereal and mashed bananas.

Okay, deep breath. All is good. Normal. Healthy.... right??? right???


Kim said...

Right. My nephew was the same size at his age, and didn't really roll over until six or seven months. He was crawling by nine though. So it all balances out. I think part of it is just the big bellies - they don't want to have to roll them over! :) He sounds like a sweetie pie...

missing_one said...

Kids do things at different times. We were the opposite side of the spectrum because we did everything "early" and it freaked everyone out, especially those babies that were late bloomers. If you're really concerned, you can always ask your pediatrician, but usually they will ask you these milestones at your next check up.
Does he do a lot of "tummy time"? I know we used to do 15 min a day

niobe said...

I think many babies reach all the developmental milestones a little later these days because they spend so much time on their backs -- which is good for preventing SIDS, but not so good for building up muscles. And some babies really hate tummy time.

My niece -- who was also a huge baby -- rolled over, sat up, and crawled late. But she started walking right on time at around 11 months and now she's 21 months and into absolutely everything.

Catherine said...

Put down whatever book you've been reading and remember that he hasn't read it. Give him a hug. And don't worry about it. Sam never rolled in the classic sense of the term (he never crawled either)...and as near as I can tell he's as normal as 5-year-olds can be. :o)

delphi said...

I guess I should explain? We had our 6 month checkup. His doctor asked about the milestones. She didn't put any pressure on about any of it; she said it will all come in due time. However, my left-brain was not listening. Panic, PANIC!!

Anonymous said...

If he's a big boy, then its probably a lot of effort for him to roll over. And why put yourself to that extra effort when the view is pretty much the same?

And before you know it, he will be rolling, crawling, standing, and then walking. And you will lament the passing of the days when you would put him on the playmat and he would STAY on the playmat ;)

Anonymous said...

Normal Normal Normal. Both of my kids figured out how to roll at 5 months and then never practiced it. My A never crawled. He just scooted on his bottom. Neither of my kids walked until 18 months. The ped. kept threatening physical therapy with A but we never did it. He walked when he was ready. So I knew with K that it was normal and he walked even later than A!! I think some kids just don't feel like putting forth the effort.

Aurelia said...

Normal normal normal

The important thing is that he CAN do it, not that he wants to do it. He's probably thinking, "Frankly, why bother? "

And sitting up by himself? Rarely happens by 6 months. I've seen a lot of babies propped up at 6 months and Moms saying they do it all on their own. But really, more like 7 or 8 months for sitting on their own.

Relax, have some wine...

msfitzita said...

Okay, I'm not speaking from personal experience here, but I've spent a lot of time with my neighbour and her little girl (who just turned one and is going to become my goddaughter next week!) and she was, I think closing in on 9 months (if not more) before she sat on her own without falling over. Her Mom just attributed it to the fact that she was more of a "lounger".

She sits just fine now, and while she's not walking yet (she just turned 13 months) she's now standing on her own. Sort of. :) In contrast, the preemie twins across the street (who were born two weeks after J) have been walking since before their first birthday.

I think all babies develop at their own pace. I know the markers are there for good reason, but I also believe that you'd know if there was something very wrong. I'm sure he is absolutely fine.


Anonymous said...

Put him on the coach and turn your head away for two seconds. I bet he rolls. I learned that one the hard way. My daughter who is 12 months now didn't sit up very well til 9 months. And she's still not so good with the chewing thing. It's easy for me to say now, but don't worry. He's perfectly perfect in his own way. I finally figured that out and quit fretting about milestones. She always gets there when she's ready and he will, too.