Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Things are better

Sometimes all it takes is a couple of days. I am feeling better about my garden. Sure, it's destroyed. But, on careful inspection, it appears to still be alive. We are definitely in next-year territory. But that's just gardening in Canada.


Catherine said...

I didn't comment on your previous post because I didn't want to sound like one of "those people." I'm sorry you lost your plants. But I like to look at these gardening disasters as opportunities to try new things. So if there is anything I can do to help you rebuild, just let me know. {{{hugs}}}

niobe said...

Good news. I'm very glad to hear that your garden seems to have survived the hail.

Mrs. Collins said...

Glad that you can salvage somethings in the garden for next year. I hope you find something to enjoy for the remainder of this year's gardening season.
Also, I liked your post on NateNateRollerskate about buying things in a SPAL. I keep buying things too and I think is because of the same reason. It's almost like I'm saying to God, "how can you take this one, look at all I've done and purchased for him." My therapist says I'm just a control freak and its my way of trying to maintain ocntrol of something I have no control over. Phooey him.

kate said...

Very glad that things are still alive!