Thursday, April 12, 2007


Recently, a friend at my local Babyloss support group revealed that she is pregnant. Today she discovered that her baby has the same genetic disorder that killed her second child - a condition that is not compatible with life. This very much loved, desired, and prayed for pregnancy will be ended early next week.

Please extend your prayers/thoughts to my friend as she and her family face this horrible tragedy.

If you have any suggestions for how I can help my friend, please share them with me. My heart is breaking for her and there is so little I can do.


msfitzita said...

Oh my God...

I will definitely keep your friend in my thoughts and prayers.

I don't understand any of this. I just don't know why this happens at all...

kate said...

I am so sorry....i don't have any suggestions as to what you can do...but i will keep her in my thoughts and prayers. I don't know, i don't understand it...

Rosepetal said...

This is my worst fear come true for my own pregnancy. I'm so sorry. There just isn't any justice, there is no protection offered to those who have already paid their pain dues.