Monday, July 17, 2006


I broke out the maternity clothes this week. So many disappointments and hopes all in so few inches of fabric. I wore mat. shorts yesterday and a mat. t-shirt today. My mat clothes that don't look like it.

The letter from the RE arrived. Telling me that in our region, the wait to see our only RE is slightly more than a year. Thank god we didn't need to have intervention.

We will be going on vacation for the rest of the week. Hooray for cottage country!!


Ann Howell said...

Yay for the maternity clothes! That's a very brave step, but at least you will be more comfortable from now on. Soon you'll have every nutcase granny you come across rubbing your bump. So, when do we see the belly shots?

kate said...

Have a nice vacation! And yes, hooray for the maternity clothes!

Laura said...

D--I just got back from vacation and I read about your great news!!! Congrats!

And I say hooray for maternity clothes, too :)