Friday, February 27, 2009

Where did the words go?

Well, I am really getting to that point where it is a chore to write a post. When I started this blog, the words poured out of me because they needed to. Now? I think I have cleared enough space in my head that I have room for the words that I have to deal with in there.

This is not some sort of "stopping blogging" announcement. But it is a "don't expect too many posts" announcement. Like you didn't know that already. :)

I have worked at keeping my real life and my blog life totally separate. So now, when life is less about grief and more about, well, life... I don't have as much I can share here. I could brag/complain about my job, brag/complain about my family, brag/complain about other trivialities... well, this doesn't seem to be the forum for it. I have my daily struggles, but those things just don't seem to belong here.

The main question that remains is the question of future children. For now, I guess it is just still a question. If we make a decision on that point, or if life makes the decision for us, I will let you know.

This is no "goodbye", but I may as well say "thanks". Thanks for coming back to read (or keeping me on your reader), even though I so rarely post. It means a lot.


kate said...

Ya, me too. That's why i essentially post pictures. More pictures, too, as spring will come around (i hope). Blogs, like us, don't stay the same over time.

Cara said...

Not taking you off...for the words come in waves. Ready to read whenever.

Catherine said...

I'll read whatever you write. Just let me know where you post your words. I love ya!

Julia said...

You know, it's good. It's good that there are enough good things in your life to take up your time and attention in the here and now. But I think I am with Cara-- they come in waves, and whenever they come, we will be here. Because yes, you are in my reader. :)

Kendra's mom said...


Rosepetal said...

yep me too!

Unknown said...


Ann Howell said...

Just wanted to say thank *you* for all of your posts over the past few years. It has helped so much to read about your thoughts, hopes and fears, especially when they were often so close to my own. I kind of arrived at the same place as you regarding blogging several months ago. I still peek into Bloglines every now and then, though, so if/when you decide to post again, I'll be sure to read it (eventually!). Take care!